Cats, tips for traveling by car
For those who decide to take a trip by car with a cat you should buy a special plastic sleeve, durable and easy to clean: the cat may have nausea while traveling or deposit needs them. The choice of the cage is important.
In summer choose a cage that allows adequate ventilation. In winter it is preferable to a cage that retains warmth without draughts, ensuring that there is proper airflow. The cage must be anchored in a safe place so that no sudden braking move out of position. Avoid placing the cage in the trunk along with other items and cases where it could be insufficient air. The ideal position is above the seat: the seat belt to fasten it well to the seat. If the cat is meowing constantly is good to talk softly and reassure him, avoiding any way to get it out from his cage.
If short is important to park in the shade and leave the Windows open. But if it gets really hot it would be best not to leave it alone and never check back often that does not have a heat stroke because it may be fatal.
Cats, tips for traveling by train
Those who decide to travel by train with your cat will have to provide a very secure cage from which it cannot escape and that light to carry. At the time of purchase, make sure the cage has a solid base in such a way that in case of needs does not dirty the cab of the train.
We recommend before placing the cat in the cage of cover it with paper or absorbent material.
Bring a blanket because there is the possibility to keep the cat in its cage on his knees
Cats, tips for traveling by plane
Those who must travel by plane with your cat must plan all long before in order to better assess the choice of airline and how they'll travel the cat. The cage must be large enough to allow the cat to stand and be able to turn with ease.
Most airlines do not allow cats to travel with their owners, but must travel in a special space in the cargo hold that is heated and pressurized. Not all flights are allowed to carry animals, so there is a possibility that the cat can travel on a flight that is different from yours. You should not run a pregnant cat or kittens younger than three months.
We recommend a direct flight so as to avoid that the cat be further stressed during the stopovers and prevent some problems associated with wait time in a country very hot or very cold. Once at your destination, make sure that the cat is fine.
Important Tip: to get a cat to travel, the first thing to do is get used to enter the cage, because regardless of the means of transport, the journey with a cat to pass by here. Also do not feed the cat in four or five hours prior to the trip, give it water only at the time of departure and, if possible, even while traveling.
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